How to choose a domain name for an online store?
The number of commercial websites on the Internet is increasing; as of 2022, there are already 26.2 million registered domains. On the one hand, this demonstrates the interest in online purchasing among the public. On the other hand, it makes the market's competitive environment challenging. Particularly, picking a domain name for an online store is becoming more and more challenging because there are so few straightforward combinations in well-known industries. Additionally, you must adhere to the rules for the commercial site's name. But nothing is insurmountable. Let's discuss selecting a domain name for a contemporary internet store.
What is a domain name?
A domain or domain name is the name that is written in the address bar of the browser to go to the site. Each site has a specific IP address (numerical combination). But in the end, it is easier for the user to remember a combination of letters than numbers.
Consequently, the key traits of a wise domain selection are clarity and memorability. Is it applicable to online shops? So! The domain name can become a part of the brand if everything is done right (remember the same Determining the answers to the following issues is therefore necessary before picking a name:
- What feelings should the title evoke in the audience?
- How to choose the most simple name?
- Does the domain have to make sense and contain a keyword?
- What is your budget? Perhaps the perfect name is already registered: are you willing to buy it?
Most of the queries that prospective owners of commercial websites have will be addressed in this article.
The name of the online store might theoretically be anything; while making a decision, just the "human factor" should be considered, as the system does not care what you call the website. It makes sense to concentrate on the associations that the domain conjures. Which domain zone to register the name of the online store in makes no difference, either, from a technical standpoint.
What should be a domain name for an online store?
Before analyzing the methods of selecting a domain for a commercial site, let's consider the key requirements. So the name should be:
- - simple (preferably one or two words);
- - short (preferably less than 17 characters);
- - unique.
The ideal domain name is simple to say and type. The following experiment has been suggested by experts: dictating the chosen domain name over the phone. You've selected a straightforward and comprehensible name for the store, if the other person records it accurately.
If you already have a distinctive name, secure the domain as soon as you can. even if the website is still being built. There is no need to wait for anything because the thought can be blocked. Additionally, it is possible that someone else will think of a name that is similar.
If you have already visited the registrar's website to see if a domain is available, move with extra haste. Why? Because:
- The registrar's invoice is not a promise that the domain cannot be registered with another registrar;
- purchase domain names that resemble those you've just bought.
When you enroll, keep the future in mind. Register the name simultaneously in the international domain zone if you do not rule out expanding your company into overseas markets.
Always consider how the domain name of the online store sounds in various languages if you are targeting the global market. To avoid something like, stay away from unclear acronyms and translation mistakes.
Choosing a domain for an online store: thoughts on SEO, branding and marketing
What is more important: SEO or branding?
Which should you prioritize when coming up with a name for a website: creating a lovely domain name, connecting it to a brand name, or including a keyword in the name? You must choose which website traffic source will be the most beneficial before you can pick the answer to the question:
- - From the search engine - then it is worth giving Google the opportunity to understand what your site is about. But the keyword must be perfectly integrated;
- - The website may go under multiple names for various methods of communication. For instance, there is a single, shorter Transliteration for advertising on television and radio. Additionally, for Internet promotion;
- - Choosing a domain name that is related to the brand name or sounds lovely is preferable if you want to generate traffic from social networks and advertising;
- - Attempt to locate a good domain on the secondary market. By doing this, you'll be able to select a domain that has already been downloaded and has a history to host your website in addition to picking out a catchy name for it. When making a decision, one should pay attention and exercise caution.
- - An good domain for an online store has two benefits: it conveys the site's distinctiveness and has a pleasing appearance.
The importance of choosing an email name
Admins of websites frequently use free Google or Yahoo mail. Mail is a typical form of communication and a brand. Therefore, you should sign up for and utilize a corporate domain for mail even if you have a Shopify store. More so because the site might also show up on it in the future.
How to come up with a beautiful domain for an online store?
You should pay attention to marketing and SEO aspects as well as pick the right domain zone. And the most crucial thing is to make sure the name is stated clearly and without any references. Naturally, this is not the time for users to manually "destroy" domains in the browser's address bar. But a name that is wisely chosen might become associated with a brand. This is supported by the experiences of many internet retailers. Furthermore, it's crucial to register a free name as soon as possible, preferably along with its word forms, in order to avoid wasting time. This is the cornerstone of your company's security.